How to Unstake TORN token ?

Guide for people who want to Unstake TORN on Relayers Tool.

Step 1: Go to Unstake page

Go to to enter the Unstake page.

Step 2: Connect to your wallet

  • Connect the MetaMask wallet and confirm the connection on Ethereum chain.

Step 3: Start to Unstake

  • Once you want to claim staked TORN and reward,you can chose the amount of token to Unstake, then click on UnStake.

Step 4: You need to queue

  • Sometime,you maybe need to queue if the liquidity is not enough on the pool.

  • You can check your queue amount.

  • Why TORN liquidity is not enough,and sometimes i can't withdraw TORN immediately?

We need to stake and lock TORN on Tornado Cash relayer contract which can't be withdrawn,so that sometimes TORN liquidity is not enough in Relayers Tool,you just wait for claiming TORN if liquidity is enough on the ExitQueue contract when sending TORN on this contract.(Note:the TORN which you unstake on the ExitQueue contract is from relayer reward and TORN on governance contract).

Step 5: Cancel the queue

  • If you are not willing to queue,you can click cancle button and then you refund queue TORN amount.

Step 6: Claim your TORN

  • You can click claim button when it's your turn in the queue.

Last updated