How does Relayers Tool Work?

Here is an overall overview of the Relayers Tool function and System Architecture.

Relayers Tool is open source,all trading data and contract address can be checked on chain.

Relayers Tool is implemented in a trust-minimised way as a set of Tornado Cash relayer. Relayers Tool allows users to earn staking rewards on their TORN holdings, without locking capital or maintaining the relayer server.

Relayers Tool consists of several parts:


Operator has 2 rights including staking TORN on Tornado Cash relayers and governance,transferring the ETH to TORN.

How to work?

  1. To stake TORN with Relayers Tool,the user sends TORN to the Deposit smart contract.

  2. All deposits into Relayers Tool are assigned to operators who use these deposits TORN to Tornado Cash relayers and governance contracts.

  3. All Relayers' reward will be sent to the income contract,transfer ETH/ TORN is executed by operators when the reward reaches a certain amount.

  4. TORN reward on InCome contract will be sent to Deposit contract,then the TORN will be sent to governance or relayers on Tornado Cash.

  5. Once users who want to withdraw TORN,they can unstake if the TORN is enough on the Deposit contract,otherwise,they just wait for claiming TORN if liquidity is enough on the ExitQueue contract when sending TORN on this contract.

  6. The TORN who unstaked is from relayer reward and TORN on governance contract,so that sometimes you can't withdraw immediately and need to queue.

Why TORN liquidity is not enough?

We need to stake and lock TORN on Tornado Cash relayer contract which can't be withdrawn,so that sometimes TORN liquidity is not enough in Relayers Tool,you just wait for claiming TORN if liquidity is enough on the ExitQueue contract when sending TORN on this contract.(Note:the TORN on the ExitQueue contract is from relayer reward and TORN on governance contract).

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